What is Pectus Disease?
Pectus disease is a condition characterized by abnormal shaping of the chest wall. The two most common types are known as pectus excavatum (shoemaker's chest) and pectus carinatum (pigeon chest). These deformities can affect not only physical health but also psychological health.

Pectus and Anxiety Disorders
Individuals with pectus deformities may experience a lack of self-confidence and social anxiety due to their appearance. This may lead to the development of anxiety disorders. Anxiety can be defined as a state of constant worry and fear and can negatively affect a person's daily life.
Appearance and Self-Confidence
Breast deformities may cause individuals to develop negative thoughts about their bodies, especially during adolescence. These negative thoughts may lead to behaviors such as feeling uncomfortable in social environments, wanting to hide their bodies and avoiding social activities.
Social Anxiety
Individuals with pectus deformities may avoid social situations for fear that others will judge them. This is known as social anxiety and can limit a person's social life. Social anxiety can have negative effects in many areas, from friendships to work life.
Pectus and Anxiety: How to cope?
It is possible to cope with pectus deformities and anxiety. Here are some suggestions:
Seek Professional Support
Seeking help from a psychologist or therapist can be effective in managing anxiety symptoms. Therapists can teach individuals to control their anxiety and increase their self-esteem.
Social Support
Support from family and friends can make a big difference in coping with anxiety. Sharing your feelings with your close circle and getting their support can make you feel better.
Physical Activity
Regular exercise can improve both your physical and mental health. Exercise can help you feel better by increasing endorphin levels.
Pectus Treatment and Psychological Health
Treatment of pectus deformities is important for both physical and psychological health. Various treatment modalities are available for pectus excavatum and pectus carinatum. These treatments can improve individuals' physical appearance, increase self-confidence and reduce anxiety levels.
Pectus Treatment Methods
Physical Therapy and Exercise: Exercises that strengthen the chest muscles can reduce the effects of pectus deformities.
Orthopedic Devices: Devices used specifically for pectus carinatum can help correct the shape of the rib cage. https://www.pectuslab.com/gpadpektuskarinatumortezi
Surgical Intervention: In severe cases, surgical intervention can correct the rib cage. Methods such as the Nuss procedure and the Ravitch procedure are commonly used to treat pectus excavatum.
A Healthy Life with Pectuslab
As Pektuslab, we are at your side with our expert staff to deal with pectus deformities and anxiety. We offer personalized treatment plans tailored to the unique needs of each patient. You can contact us to learn more about pectus disease and anxiety disorders and to learn the most suitable treatment methods for you.
Pectuslab We are at your side for a healthy life.
Do not let pectus deformities and anxiety disorders affect your quality of life. As Pektuslab, we are happy to be with you in this process. Do not hesitate to contact us for detailed information and appointments.
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pectus excavatum nedir
güvercin göğsü hastalığı
pektus vakum
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mustafa Yüksel
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