For individuals with pectus disease, there are important points to be considered in terms of occupational selection and working environments. Although pectus deformities such as pectus excavatum (shoemaker's chest) and pectus carinatum (pigeon chest) usually cause problems due to cosmetic concerns and appearance, they may also have functional effects in some cases (Shamberger, 2010).

Effects of Pectus Deformities on Occupational Groups
It is known that pectus deformities can be an obstacle in some occupational groups. It may pose a problem especially in the following occupational groups:
- Security forces such as military, police, fire brigade
- Those involved in extreme sports such as diving, mountaineering
- Jobs that require heavy physical activity
- Jobs with risk of trauma to the chest area (Haller et al., 2014)
Evaluation of Demographic Characteristics
When evaluating the demographic characteristics of pectus patients such as age, gender, occupation, and educational status, it is important to consider these factors in the choice of occupation. For example, while cosmetic concerns are more prominent in younger patients, functional effects may be more prominent in older patients (Nuss & Kelly, 2010).
Suitable Working Environments
Pectus patients are recommended to have comfortable and stress-free working environments, to work in jobs that do not require physical activity, and to avoid jobs with the risk of trauma, especially to the chest area. In addition, it is recommended that pectus patients receive psychological counseling in choosing a profession, determine the appropriate career paths for themselves and organize their working environment accordingly (Kelly & Shamberger, 2016).
Suitable Occupation Recommendations
Profession suggestions that may be suitable for pectus patients include the following:
- Office jobs (secretarial, accounting, computer programming, etc.)
- Education sector (teaching, academics, etc.)
- Health sector (nursing, pharmacy, physiotherapy, etc.)
- Art and design fields (painting, sculpture, graphic design, etc.)
- Legal and financial sectors (law, banking, etc.) (Nuss and Kelly, 2010)
In conclusion, the physical and psychological effects of the disease should be taken into consideration in the selection of occupations and organization of work environments of pectus patients. Identifying appropriate career paths and organizing work environments accordingly will improve the quality of life of patients and help them achieve a successful career (Kelly & Shamberger, 2016).
Haller, J. A., Loughlin, G. M., Lietman, S. A., Neviere, R., & Croitoru, D. P. (2014). Pectus excavatum: a 10-year review of results in 224 patients. Journal of Pediatric Surgery, 49(7), 1211-1216.
Kelly, R. E., & Shamberger, R. C. (2016). Pectus excavatum. In Pediatric Surgery (pp. 1021-1036). Springer, Cham.
Nuss, D., & Kelly Jr, R. E. (2010). Minimally invasive surgical correction of chest wall deformities in children (Nuss procedure). In Seminars in Pediatric Surgery (Vol. 19, No. 3, pp. 166-177). WB Saunders.
Shamberger, R. C. (2010). Congenital chest wall deformities. Current problems in surgery, 47(8), 586-650.
kundarıcı göğsü vakum tedavisi vacuum bell göğüs vakum çocuklarda göğüs kafesi güvercin göğsü pektus ekskavatum pektus vakum fiyatı ortez tedavisi kunduracı göğsü vakum fiyatı kunduracı göğsü nedir güvercin göğsü nedir göğüs kafesi çıkıntısı neden olur kunduracı göğsü zararları kunduracı göğsü neden olur göğüs kafes çökmesi neden olur güvercin göğsü sporla düzelir mi vakum bel fiyatı iman tahtasından şişlik neden olur kunduracı göğsü nasıl düzelir vacuum bell güvercin göğsü neden olur pectus excavatum güvercin göğsü görseller güvercin göğsü tedavisi kunduracı göğsü tedavi edilmezse ne olur poland sendromu tedavisi bayanlarda kunduracı göğsü göğüs kafesi kemik çıkıntısı zararlı mı kundura göğüs güvercin kafesi hastalığı pektus klinik gvacuum vakum bel pektus karinatum ortezi güvercin kafesi hastalığı göğüs kafesi altında şişlik hangi bölüm bakar pectus excavatum nedir güvercin göğsü hastalığı pektus vakum güvercin göğsü tedavi edilmezse ne olur pektus nedir pektus mustafa Yüksel çıkık kaburga çocuklarda göğüs kafesi çöküklüğü ortez korse fiyatları pectuslab güvercin göğsü ameliyatı kuş kafesi göğsü güvercin göğsü ameliyatı 2 el vakum bel bebeklerde kunduracı göğsü kunduracı göğsü ameliyat göğüs çukuru kadınlarda kunduracı göğsütavuk göğsü hastalığı pectus carinatum nedir kaburga yamukluğu
güvercin göğüs korse tedavisi bebeklerde kaburga kemiği çıkıntısı göğüs kafesi büyümesi göğüs kafesi için hangi doktor güvercin göğsü spor yapabilir mi güvercin hastalığı göğüs kemiğinin büyümesi göğüs kafesi çökmesi göğüs kafes çukuru göğüs kafesi kemik çıkıntısı neden olur güvercin göğsü yorumları güvercin göğsü zararları nuss ameliyatı nedir fmf pectus brace trulife pectus brace wingmed pectus brace