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Success Rate of Vacuum Treatment in Pectus Excavatum Deformity

Pectus excavatum is a condition characterized by the chest collapsing inwards. Vacuum therapy is a non-invasive treatment option used to correct this condition and help push the rib cage outwards. However, the success rate of vacuum therapy can vary from patient to patient and depends on several factors.

Factors Affecting the Success Rate:

Severity of Pectus: The success of vacuum therapy may depend on the severity of the pectus excavatum. In mild or moderate cases, vacuum treatment can often be more effective. However, in severe cases of pectus excavatum, the success rate may be lower.

Patient Age: The success of vacuum therapy is also related to the age of the patient. Generally, vacuum therapy may be more effective in patients in childhood or adolescence. Since the rib cage is more flexible during this period, the treatment may give better results.

Compliance with Treatment: The success of vacuum therapy may also depend on how compliant the patient is with the treatment. It is important that the treatment is applied regularly and continuously. The success rate may decrease in patients who are not compliant with the treatment.

Duration of Treatment: The effectiveness of vacuum therapy is often related to the duration of treatment. The earlier the treatment is started and practiced regularly, the higher the success rate may be. However, long-term and regular treatment may be required.

Other Associated Factors: If pectus excavatum patients have other accompanying health problems or complications, it can affect the success of vacuum therapy. For example, conditions such as breathing problems or heart failure can reduce the effectiveness of the treatment.


The success rate of vacuum therapy for pectus excavatum varies from patient to patient and depends on many factors. However, it is generally effective in mild to moderate cases and can be considered as an alternative to surgery. Determining the appropriate treatment option for each patient should be done with a healthcare professional evaluating the patient's condition.

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