Pectus Carinatum, commonly known as "pigeon chest," is a chest wall deformity that can deeply affect not only the physical health of children and adolescents but also their psychological state. The treatment process impacts more than just physical appearance; it also plays a significant role in a child's self-confidence and social relationships. Here's a look at the psychological effects of Pectus Carinatum treatment on children:

Psychological Effects and the Power of Treatment
Increased Self-confidence:
As the treatment progresses and the chest wall begins to correct, children experience an increase in self-confidence. Improvements in physical appearance help children see themselves in a more positive light.
Improvement in Social Interactions:
Children with Pectus Carinatum may face social challenges such as teasing and exclusion due to their appearance. Treatment allows them to overcome these social barriers and establish healthier social relationships.
Reduction in Depression and Anxiety:
Correcting the deformity can lead to a significant decrease in levels of depression and anxiety among children. Treatment helps children lead happier and more content lives.
Increased Participation in Physical Activities:
With increased self-confidence, children begin to participate more in physical activities and sports. This contributes to improvements in their overall health and social interactions.
The Visual Aspect of the Treatment Process
Before and After Treatment Comparison:
Images of children before and after treatment highlight not only the physical transformation but also the psychological healing.
Change in Children's Facial Expressions:
Images that show the increase in happiness and self-confidence in children's facial expressions during the treatment process illustrate the impact of treatment.

The treatment of Pectus Carinatum has a profound effect on both the physical and mental health of children. Supporting children and families on this journey is key to offering them a brighter and happier future. Treatment should be viewed as a process that heals both the body and the spirit of children.
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mustafa Yüksel
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